Happily, it is still reasonably mild at the moment, far from the very chilly, sometimes freezing days we have in December, January and February. Despite this, we are seeing some boys coming out to Games in full ‘skins’ (tops and leggings) under their Games kit. As I pointed out to the boys last week, I understand the skins tops being worn, but it is best to leave the leggings to when it is very cold. If they are wearing them now when it is 12C-16C they’re not going to feel the benefit when it’s 5C-7C or colder. The boys do have the option of wearing their tracksuit bottoms to school should their legs be cold in the morning. Please rest assured, we do ensure the boys don’t stay still for long on cold days. Finally, I know a lot of you must be missing seeing your child play in school fixtures. If you are, please do follow the Games Department Twitter account, where I will be posting photos of some of the in-school matches. There are some great action shots from the Yr 5 match day on there. The handle is @HamptonPrepSport