This is what we covered.

The aim:

  • To win.

We win by:

  • Scoring tries.
  • Stopping opposition tries.

We score tries by:

  • Going forward.
  • Speed and structure of support.
  • Speed of continuity.

We stop opposition tries by:

  • Going forward and tackling.
  • Speed and structure of support.
  • Contesting the ball.

Every time we coach a skill, we are trying to relate it to these principles. With the smart, thinking boys that we have here, we find it helps if they understand why they are doing what they are doing and assists them in developing a deeper understanding of the game. We hope that in time this leads to more effective decision making on the pitch.

Today were the last fixtures for the U9s and U8s. The U9s played Surbiton at home and suffered some losses, but the A team displayed excellent teamwork to earn a draw. This demonstrated the great progress they have made as a group, as they have lost to this team previously. Well done to them.

The U8s went to Claremont. They fielded 3 teams of 6 so we played 3 big squads, with each boy playing a half each. The As played some lovely football to win by a big margin with Christo scoring 4 of the goals. The Bs battled hard but went down by a goal. The C/D boys played well with Arlo netting a few goals to win the game.

It is onto rugby next week for U8s and U9s-don’t forget the gumshield! On Wednesday and Friday there will be some training fixtures against Bishopsgate school. These will be coached games going through steadily through the new rules of play for each year group. We ask that parents do not spectate at these (there are lots of fixtures next term) but please do pick your son up from the away fixture if they are playing away.