On Wednesday, Reception enjoyed a musical story time author, actor and musician Annemarie Anang. We listened to her first book, ‘I am Nefertiti’, which told of a little girl of this name who played the drums, as the band played as one. ‘I am Nefertiti’ she says, and she feels ten feet tall. But when the new music teacher shortened her name to ‘Nef’, bit by bit, she starts to shrink. Without Nefertiti to keep the beat, the band is soon in disarray! Reception enjoyed hearing that she drew from her inner strength and support of her friends, and Miss Potts honouring her proper name. So once again she could ‘keep the beat to make music so sweet’. Reception enjoyed their musical story time immensely and helped to keep the beat themselves, using their body parts as drums and learning the special songs to accompany the story!
In mathematics, we have been adding and subtracting, practising simple number sentences through a range of practical activities. We have been representing numbers 9 and 10 and exploring their composition.
On Friday, Reception had a fabulous day at the Clore Learning Centre at RHS Wisley. We enjoyed a workshop discovering how plants grow and what they need to grow healthy. We got to explore a collection of plants from the smallest shoots to the largest trees. After a delicious picnic lunch in the sunshine, we turned into explorers and transported back in time to follow the ‘Plants Before Time’ exhibition in the glasshouse. We followed the prehistoric trail, following footprints, we spotted fascinating ferns and cycads, hunting for fossils and even some dinosaurs.
Next week we will be looking for ‘Signs of Spring’ and hoping for some glorious spring sunshine.