We also combined Art and Literacy and each made our very own treasure maps!  To make our maps look old, we ripped the edges off our paper and used a teabag dipped in water to stain the paper brown – this was such fun.  The children were so excited to add the details onto their maps. Some even featured dinosaurs!!! We then had to label our maps using our phonics knowledge.

In mathematics, we have been counting in 2s.  We have practised forming the numbers correctly and representing counting in 2s in different ways! We have also enjoyed learning about weighing objects and comparing objects on a balance. We especially enjoyed playing the Post Office weighing game, comparing parcels and contents before they were weighed.

This week, we had great fun investigating floating and sinking, making predictions about materials and their properties. We used lots of words to describe the mass and thought carefully about what would float on the surface or sink to the bottom of our tank. We were surprised by some of our findings!