In mathematics, we have been counting forwards and backwards to 20 – counting carefully from given numbers and finding missing numbers on a number line. We have also been learning about number factors of 5, using the part, part, whole method.
We read the story, ‘Inside, Outside, Upside Down’ to learn about positional language – we gave instructions to a partner, asking them to put tiger in all sorts of funny places! Poor tiger didn’t like being under the box at all!
On Thursday we learnt about Armistice Day and Remembrance Sunday, and discussed the significance of these events. We talked about poppies too and wrote about why we wear them. We each printed a poppy with a balloon and made collage poppies. We thought about those who lost their lives in wars and marked the occasion with two minutes reflection.
For the next two weeks, we will be learning about wild animals from around the world, animal conservation and zoos.