We met a very friendly superhero called Super Cat who taught us a fun road safety rap – ask the children to show you the actions at home! We were so inspired by Super Cat and his ability to swoop in and avert some serious road crossing disasters, that we wrote stories about him.  We discussed the way stories are structured – the beginning part of the story to set the scene, the middle part where something exciting happens and the end where all the loose ends are tied up! The children demonstrated some excellent story writing skills and enjoyed sharing their books with their friends. We especially enjoyed creating our own road maps with a friend, drawing road signs and crossings.

In mathematics, we have continued our work on ordinal numbers – having races and talking about our position in the race. We have been looking at ways of representing the numbers 9 and 10.  In phonics this week, we have been learning new digraph ‘oo’. Next week, we are looking forward to celebrating World Book Day on Thursday but, before the actual day, a trip to Hampton Library on Tuesday and an author’s visit on Wednesday.