On Tuesday we received an email from Mrs Parkinson requesting our help to look for her missing teddy bear. Reception reacted quickly, thinking to make lost posters for the school. The children thought to split into groups to search the school. We were relieved to find Mrs Parkinson’s bear enjoying the sunshine on climbing frame and quickly returned and reunited him with her.
In mathematics, we have been continuing our on the topic ‘first, then, now’ working with subtraction number sentences and finding the missing number. We have enjoyed composing and decomposing Tangrams, investigating how different shapes fit together.
We have been ‘beary’ creative this week too. We have enjoyed playing with our new puppet theatre, playing with the bears’ habitat in the Tuff tray and playing in our classroom outside garden. We have made newspaper forest bears and wool wrapped bear faces.
Next week in our topic work, we will be learning about worms but naturally will also be enjoying some exciting Platinum Jubilee activities!