On Monday, like Kindergarten, we enjoyed taking part in a Diwali workshop. We painted and decorated our clay diva lamps and learned a traditional Indian dance. Diwali, also known as ‘The Festival of Light’ is a special celebration for Hindus and Sikhs, but, is celebrated by other religions too.
In art this week we created some exciting and colourful shape collage rockets displaying our names on them. We had to count how many letters were in our names and then practised forming our letters in our names correctly. On the tuff tray we had lots of fun using the hammers to tap pins into our spooky pumpkins with precision, really testing our fine motor skills!
In mathematics, we have been counting on and back from a given number. We used the number line to help with some simple addition problems. We have also been learning the mathematical names for 3D shapes. We played some fun sorting 2D and 3D shape games, the children especially enjoyed sorting Miss Johnston’s shopping by 3D shape, talking about each object’s packaging properties, making comments on number of sides, faces and corners, or if it would roll.
Next week we will be thinking more about Autumn and Remembrance Day.