We read the story, ‘Inside, Outside, Upside Down’ to learn about positional language – we enjoyed sharing our own ideas placing teddy and his owl friend in differing positions using a box and a hoop! It was great hearing the children being very creative with their use of positional language, which they then used to describe their very own story map.

On Wednesday Mr Smith popped into Reception to read us the story ‘Whatever Next’ by Jill Murphy. Mr Smith talked to children about baby bear having a fantastic imagination, thinking that he had been on a rocket to the moon. We enjoyed talking about our own imaginations and how we enjoy stories where we can imagine the words coming to life!

Friday saw us commemorating Remembrance Day and we thought about those who lost their lives in wars. Reception marked the moment with two minutes reflection and we talked about the significance of poppies.  We each printed a poppy with a balloon and made some of our own.

For the next two weeks, we will be learning about wild animals from around the world, animal conservation and zoos