At the beginning of the week the children made an ‘Asian Noodle Salad’ with Mrs O’Brien. The children used knives, graters, peelers and scissors carefully to prepare the herbs and vegetables and learnt how to use the fork as their ‘friend’ in this task – do ask them how! They then measured out ingredients to make a very tasty dressing. They also watched some exciting (and very noisy!) video clips of lion and dragon dances. Gorgeous lanterns in the all-important colours, red and gold, have been crafted and they also practised writing Chinese numbers in the tuff tray!
In literacy, we practised our list writing skills – thinking about using our phonic skills to listen for all the sounds in a word. In our phonic sessions, we learnt the new digraph ‘sh’ and we have been learning to spell some tricky words.
In mathematics, we focused our learning on number bonds to 5 and learning about money. The children enjoyed looking at Miss Johnston’s bank cards, notes and coins. We played a game to recognise different coins and talked about their values. We enjoyed counting the coins for the New Year envelope activity and making our special red envelopes for our family.
We finished the week performing our assembly about ‘World Religion Day’ to Pre-Prep. We were very proud of the children who read, spoke about their beliefs, sang and signed their song and showed their pictures of friends all over the world beautifully. Thank you, Reception Class, you made us very proud!
Next week we look forward to learning about our bodies five senses.