We had a look around the children’s section of the library and chose books to share with our friends in class. The librarians then read us a story called ‘There’s a lion in the library’ by Dave Skinner. Little Lucy Lupin was a sweet and dimpled little girl – and a dreadful liar! The trouble was it was impossible not to believe what Lucy said as she was so perfectly cute. Three times the library was evacuated when Lucy told them a terrifying lion was on the loose. This story had a truly delicious twist when Lucy’s lie came true! The children’s behaviour during this trip was excellent and we were very proud to be out walking in Hampton Village and Library in our smart uniform. Well done, Reception.
On Thursday, we loved all the amazing Book Day costumes and had a great day, showing our fabulous costumes to our friends at Prep in the World Book Day Parade and then back in the classroom we enjoyed speaking about why we had picked our chosen character, but also just generally reading and sharing books!
On Friday, we enjoyed our visit from author Alison Simpson, who read us the story, ‘Bodhi the Pirate Dog.’ Alison told us how she adopted her dog Bodhi from Romania, he was especially nervous of living in a house as he had previously lived outside. We enjoyed our question time with her – the teachers present were so impressed with the thoughtful questions the children asked! Some especially mature questions were proffered – for example, how long did it take her to write a book? How she chose the characters for her book? And, how did the illustrator get the pictures into the book?
In mathematics this week, we have been representing 9 and 10 and completing some pages of our Counting and Addition and Subtraction numeracy books.
In art and craft this week, we used water colours and oil pastels to make some Kandinsky inspired circular pattern art.
Next week we are thinking about our topic ‘Weather & Gardening’.