We talked about how we are all different and what makes us unique. We enjoyed finding out about our finger prints with Mrs O’Brien, and using inks made prints and used magnifying glasses to see the amazing patterns!

During our phonics sessions, we have been focusing on the correct cursive formation of the letters /s/, /a/ and /t/, and have been playing some oral blending games to blend and segment simple CVC (consonant, vowel, consonant) words. All the class have enjoyed their reading this week and have been pleased with the positive way they have approached this – we worked on pointing to each word as it is read, recognising character names in the text, looking for known letter sounds and, of course, we have encouraged plenty of talk about the story and illustrations.

In mathematics, we have been looking at number formation of number 3 and the position of the numbers on a number line, together with lots of counting. The children have also been looking enjoying their new ‘Number and Pattern’ workbooks, using colour to make patterns.  We also painted our hands and made repeated pattern handprints.

Next week, we will be enjoying learning about our bodies and hygiene as week two of our topic ‘Magnificent Me’.