Our English lessons have taken off with a POW as we have been inspired by the book “Superhero ABC” to create our very own alliterative superhero characters with special supersonic powers. Next week, we will naturally, have to create our own alliterative Super Villains, ready to defeat. What an exciting week ahead!

In mathematics, the children have been counting in twos, fives and tens and generally getting immersed in our new exciting unit of learning: multiplication.  We have used songs, bead strings, 100 squares and real objects to support our understanding of counting in groups.

Our topic for the summer term is Space and we have been exploring about what an astronaut needs to survive in space. Next week, we will be learning about some significant historical individuals who have been involved in space exploration. We look forward to getting really stuck into this exciting new topic, especially in advance of our trip to the Winchester Science Centre later this half term.

Have a lovely weekend!