In mathematics this week, the children have been looking closely at place value within 20 – we have primarily used bead strings and Rekenreks (counting frames) to support our learning of this.  We have been developing reasoning skills by inviting the children to explain their methods when problem solving.  The children have been encouraged to prove their learning to their friends – Tell us/show us how you knew? is one of our favourite questions in maths!  We have been delving deeper into the concept of tens and ones – to help us understand that things can be grouped into larger numbers to be more easily counted and organised. We have focused on recognising ‘ten’ as a group of ten ‘ones’ – helping the children to count to larger numbers more easily and quickly.   

In science, our new topic on Materials is in full swing! We enjoyed going on a hunt around the school for objects made from wood, plastic, glass and metal and learnt some interesting new words to describe their properties.  

Have a wonderful weekend!