We also completed a paper chain challenge, carried out the Dancing Raisins experiment, and had a brilliant time creating Lego homes in our Brickies workshop. If you would like to explore the Dancing Raisins experiment more at home, please see here; https://coolscienceexperimentshq.com/dancing-raisins/. We used bicarbonate of soda and vinegar here at school, but any fizzy, clear drink will work. Have fun! The children may also like to have another go at our paper chain challenge with family members at home – only one sheet of paper allowed, two minutes to plan and fifteen minutes to make! Who can make the longest chain? Any budding scientists/engineers who email in a photo of them carrying out an experiment at home or the paper chain challenge will earn a team point!
In English, we had to help the ‘Punctuation Pals’ to decide when to use capital letters and full stops. We put this learning into our own writing, when we discovered that Knuffle Bunny had gone missing again and we had to write an ending to the story.
The children have been revisiting number work in maths. We have used practical resources (tens frames, unifix cubes and number lines) to help us learn about counting on from any given number. Number formation has been a focus and we will continue to work on this over the coming weeks.
We are all looking forward to our Autumn walk next Thursday. Have a super weekend!