We put this learning into our own independent writing, when we discovered that Knuffle Bunny had gone missing again and we had to write a new ending to the story. We also practised reading with expression, especially when noticing an exclamation mark, and spoke about the difference this made for the listener.
The children have been revisiting number work in maths. We have used practical resources (tens frames, unifix cubes and number lines) to help us learn about counting on from any given number. Number formation has been a focus and we will continue to work on this over the coming weeks. Next week our focus will be comparing numbers, using the language greater than, less than and equal to.
During our computing lessons we have practised logging on and off independently for our Purple Mash accounts, and have been exploring the Science area to create some Autumn-themed paint projects. We have learnt how to save our work, and how to locate it again!
We are all looking forward to our Carlisle Park walk next Thursday, and keeping our fingers crossed for some Autumnal sunshine. Have a super weekend!