In our handwriting lesson, we talked about ascenders (stretching up to the sky) and descenders (stretching down to the ground) and practised forming some very careful ds and gs. The children are trying very hard to use this cursive letter formation in their independent writing and to be noticed for our weekly ‘Perfect Presentation’ award!

In maths, the children have been comparing numbers, focusing on counting accurately, as well as using mathematical language, such as ‘greater than’, ‘fewer than’ and ‘equal to’.  The children were introduced to the symbols < and >, and were able to use them in equations. We have been using the greater than, less than crocodiles to help us with this learning – they like to gobble up the bigger number with their wide, open jaws.

In Humanities we learnt about cardinal directions and practised using these to create some ‘Royal Palace’ maps. We learnt the mnemonic Naughty Elephants Squirt Water to help us remember the compass points.

Next week we are looking forward to our rearranged and highly-anticipated walk to Carlisle Park!! Have a super weekend.