In maths, we have been learning to use a range of strategies for subtraction – first, we used our number bond knowledge; If I know 7-4 =3, I also know that 17-4 = 13. We also practised counting back using a number line. We talked about finding the difference – and looked at towers of cubes to help us with this. Practising a range of strategies to complete addition and subtraction calculations helps the children find a method that suits them best.
In science, we completed our materials topic by tinkering with a range of materials in order to build a sturdy house for The Three Little Pigs! We used a combination of cocktail sticks, marshmallows, Lego bricks, wooden blocks, and bundles of straws to build our constructions. We tested to see whether the pigs fitted inside the house, whether the house had a roof and whether it withstood the huff and puff of Mrs Timba the wolf! As you can see from our photos, we had great fun and lots of success!
The children were thrilled to take part in our very own Hampton Pre-Prep carnival – the culmination of our much-loved Humanities topic work on Brazil. We brought the school and playground alive with our parade of colourful masks, feathers and sequins, all whilst moving our bodies to the Samba beats! What a celebration!
We certainly have enjoyed an action packed half term and seen so much progress with the children’s learning. Have a wonderful half term break and we look forward to seeing you all fresh and raring to go on 19th February!