In English lessons the children have been learning about what really happened to the three little pigs and the big bad wolf.  “The True Story of the Three Little Pigs”, by Jon Scieszka and Lane Smith, is our new quality text of focus; an hilarious picture book, which in revelatory newspaper style, exposes the truth about the three little porkers, and one A. Wolf!  Learning activities included acting out parts of the story and comparing it to the fairy tale version. Next week, the learning will shift to newspaper report writing and discovering how to pen their very own newspaper article. 


We learnt about this week’s significant individual in our science lesson. Having explored how to make an electrical circuit using different components, we then turned our attention to the natural scientist, Michael Faraday, who discovered electro-magnetic induction. At the Royal Institution he discovered the relationship between magnets and electricity and the children enjoyed discovering all about his different inventions.  Michael Faraday spent his final years living in a house on the banks of the River Thames, near Hampton Court Palace.  Indeed, the children are becoming expert blue plaque spotters on our weekly trip to Hurst Pool! 

The focus of our RE unit on Judaism this week centred around the religious items that can be found in Jewish homes. The children enjoyed handling some religious replica artefacts and learning about their uses in the home and how they are used for different rituals or celebrations. 

Have a super weekend!