The highlight of the week in mathematics was finally being introduced to the multiplication symbol and therefore making the link between multiplication and repeated addition The children worked on writing multiplication sentences, and they then used arrays to fully understand that multiplication is commutative; they identified the two multiplication sentences that can be seen in an array.  For example: 

This week’s Life Skills’ challenge was ‘teamwork’, and the children surpassed all expectations by working methodically and collaboratively to create a dream bird for their Garden of Dreams.  The children were able to reflect on how they had each faired, who worked well in their individual role and what they needed to do next to improve the end product.  They will complete this teamwork activity next week. 

In history, the children explored the life and legacy of Princess Sophia Duleep Singh—a remarkable yet often overlooked local suffragette who fought tirelessly for women’s rights.  They learned about her courageous activism, from selling suffragette newspapers outside Hampton Court Palace to leading protests demanding votes for women.  I was so impressed with how well the children proudly shared their learning in class discussions, showcasing their understanding of how one person’s determination can make a difference. Year 2 have truly embraced the spirit of this week’s significant individual and their enthusiasm for history has shone brightly! 


Congratulations to the whole class for filling another jar full of marbles and earning themselves a special marble treat afternoon! They enjoyed a carousel of fun activities in the classroom and on the playground.  Keep up the super work, Year 2.