Back in the classroom with a new book and author to study, Year 2 have loved joining “Bob, the Man on the Moon”, on his daily trip to outer space! The children read all about this innocent character, devised and brilliantly illustrated by Simon Bartram in his series of books. They sequenced the story (a day in the life of Bob) and imagined life on the moon. They have also loved designing and describing an alien character, in preparation for writing a sequel to Man on the Moon next week. 

Another highlight of the week was meeting Tracy Cordeory, who wowed us with her incredible storytelling.  Not only did she treat us to some stories from the Shifty McGifty series of books, but she helped us develop our illustrating skills, learning how to draw Slippery Sam. 

In mathematics the children have been exploring mass by first of all comparing the mass of two or more objects. They were introduced to standard units of measure – grams and kilograms but will be exploring this subject in more detail next week.  

Finally, in humanities, the children have been learning about Neil Armstrong’s historic voyage to the moon, exploring his incredible journey as the first person to walk on the lunar surface, made possible with the support of a top team of scientists.