We have begun immersing ourselves in our new topic, ‘Amazing Africa’ by reading a story in our English lessons based in a Kenyan village (‘Lila and the Secret of Rain’ by David Conway). The children made predictions about what they thought was going to happen and enjoyed comparing their ideas to the actual events when we finally read to the end! Our grammar focus has been on expanded noun phrases this week and the children will be expected to use these next week when they write a description of Lila from our key text. An expanded noun phrase is when you use adjectives to add more detail and usually takes the form of ‘adjective, adjective noun’. For example, ‘The long, green grass swayed in the wind.’
This afternoon we have enjoyed using Google Earth to locate Africa and see if we recognise any African country names. If you have been to Africa on holiday, we’d love to see any appropriate photographs that you may have!