In mathematics the children have been exploring mass by first of all comparing the mass of two or more objects. They were introduced to standard units of measure – grams and kilograms. The children loved the experience of picking up and feeling weights and thinking about objects that have a similar mass to 1 g/10 g/100 g/500 g/1kg to help them contextualise their learning and support with estimating. Balance scales and circular scales were used to accurately measure a range of objects. By the end of the week, they were able to practise their calculation skills in the context of mass to solve word problems. We have all been so impressed with how the children are able to choose the correct operation to solve a problem choosing the most efficient method.
In science, the children have been studying animals and their offspring. They matched different animals to their young and then sharpened their scientific research skills in the computing lesson by searching the internet to name the animals’ young. Children learned that some animals are born live and some hatch from eggs.
The significant individual of the week was Queen Victoria. The children enjoyed investigating sources and clues to reveal her character, learning about the life and achievements of Britain’s longest reigning monarch until 2015 (the record now being held by Queen Elizabeth II).
Excitement is building for the House Poetry Competition, taking place next week. We look forward to hearing the children’s poetry recitals on Tuesday.