We decided that this term’s assembly themes – the beauty of art AND music – applied so fittingly to this glorious habitat, rich in a variety of plants and animals – “a biodiversity bonanza!”. We followed in the footsteps of artist, John Dyer, and musician, Martha-Lily Dyer, who travelled to the Yawanawa Tribe in the Amazon rainforest. They used the beauty of the rainforest to inspire their painting and music, which in turn has inspired children throughout the world. We shared some of these paintings in our assembly, accompanied by a magical musical recital, to highlight why we need to preserve and support the rainforest.
We have also continued working on our rainforest diorama project. What a bunch of talented, creative children we have in Year 2! These creations will be making their way home to you on completion.
In mathematics, the children combined their previous learning about position and direction to describe movement and turns. They engaged in games and activities describing movement and giving instructions to move an object or person from one place to another. They realised that it is helpful to visualise which way an object or person is facing and which way it will be facing if it turns left or right. Use of the terms ‘clockwise’ and ‘anti-clockwise’ were introduced. The children then explored patterns that involve turns.
We are looking forward to showing parents our hard work during our ‘Open Classroom’ event next week.