In English lessons this week, the children have loved continuing their study of “The True Story of the Three Little Pigs”, by Jon Scieszka and Lane Smith. To fully understand the many features of a newspaper, the children immersed themselves in a multitude of “First News” editions, analysing catchy headlines, reporting styles, photo captions and puzzle pages. They have already written their own headline and opening paragraph, and look forward to completing their newspaper report next week.
In mathematics, the children used arrays to fully understand that multiplication is commutative; they identified the two multiplication sentences that can be seen in an array. For example:
They enjoyed making links between multiplication and division when they were introduced to the concept of putting objects into groups of a certain amount, followed by sharing into equal groups. They used concrete resources to physically group objects, then pictorial representations to bring the maths to life and then finally multiplication and division sentences using the correct notation. Bring on good old-fashioned times tables learning next week!
This week’s Life Skills’ challenge was ‘team work’, and the children surpassed all expectations by working methodically and collaboratively to create a dream bird for their garden of dreams. The children were able to reflect on how they had each faired, who worked well in their individual role and what they needed to do next to improve the end product.
Wishing you a super weekend!