In Mathematics, the children explored the 2 times-table in a range of ways, being exposed to multiple representations. They used concrete resources as well as number tracks, number lines and bar models. They were then able to use their knowledge of the 2 times-table to divide by 2, being extra aware of the differences between the grouping and sharing structures of division. They also looked for patterns when doubling and halving whole numbers, and made the connection that when they double a number, they multiply by 2 and when they halve a number, they divide by 2.
We started the week learning about how to stay safe online as it was Internet Safety Day (with another workshop to follow after the half term break). We also learnt in our science lesson how to stay safe when using electrical devices. So, we are feeling safe and ready for half term!
The week was rounded off superbly with our 1920s theme day. We got very creative – learning to sing and dance to the Charleston, comparing lives in 1920s homes and our homes today, and being inspired by Paul Klee’s artwork of the 1920s. The children looked and played their parts brilliantly.
Wishing you all a fantastic, well-earned half-term break.