I was so impressed with the mix of quiet pride combined with genuine humility and compassion (nicely linking to our assembly theme!) each boy conveyed in his own unique manner. This was in fact a hustings of sorts, as next week we shall be voting for boys in Year 5 to become Joint Heads of House, Deputy Head Boy or Head Boy when they are in Year 6 from September onwards. It is very important to me that we run a fair and democratic process, and always has been. Every boy in Years 3 – 6 and every adult working in the Prep is invited to cast one vote. There is no pre-election gerrymandering nor is there any behind-the-scenes doctoring of the results once the votes have been cast. I very strongly believe it is incumbent upon us at our School at this early stage of the boys’ lives to demonstrate as best we can how democracy should work. We will announce the winners of the election to the boys and staff on the last day of term.