Variety is the spice of life so they say, and we have endeavoured to remain true to that maxim here as far as lessons are concerned during the course of this current period of enforced school closure. I am enjoying hearing from my teaching colleagues of the many and varied approaches and strategies they have been using to keep their teaching as vibrant, relevant and interesting as it would be, were they to be teaching on site. I have been equally delighted to hear from them about the progress they see our pupils are making.
Half term is now upon us, which brings time for us all to switch (laptops) off for a day or two at least and to relax and most definitely re-charge. I expect you will be waiting with breath as bated as mine to learn of any changes to arrangements for schools for next half term. If current arrangements must change, following further announcements from the government, please rest assured we shall be in touch with the required details for you as soon as we reasonably can.