We love having visitors to our school, and this week we have seen plenty of them! On Monday we welcomed nearly fifty Year 1 pupils from local state-maintained primary schools to our ‘Explosions and Smells’ event, our provocatively named science afternoon. On Tuesday we welcomed Mr Claramunt, the Catering Manager from Hampton, and his colleagues who brought their ‘Smoothie Bike’ with them. The boys in the Prep had to pedal jolly fast to get the blending gadget mounted on the cycle apparatus going, so as to whip up delicious and healthy smoothies to enjoy. On Wednesday we had Dr Flannagan, one of the Assistant Heads from Hampton visiting to see the boys’ learning happening real time. He was very impressed with every boy’s attitude as well as the quality of their outcomes by the end of each lesson, which was excellent to hear. On Thursday Mme Houghton finally had the long-awaited French play taking place in the James Hall at the Prep. Boys followed the story in both French and English, and to say there were typical French farce plot turns included is an understatement! It was great fun.
Finally, as Mr Salt references below, the boys in Year 5 are off on an exciting weekend away with members of staff, journeying to the Midlands to be visitors themselves! They shall play rugby against boys from other schools in that neck of the woods, and enjoy being spectators of some top-flight rugby, as well as enjoy being together as a Year group away from home. Muddy kit will come back with them, but hopefully not overly muddy boys as well. Washing machines at the ready on Sunday night I’d say!