Two years ago, Mrs Tinkler led on the second iteration of the Pastoral Review. Her excellent Review Document remains one of the principle influences of the continuing development of our pastoral care here, as we work through meeting the targets and recommendations that were set. This year the chief task arising from the Pastoral Review is for Mrs Tinkler and the staff team at both the Pre-Prep & Prep to bring a set of values alive, in the hearts and minds of all the pupils here. We will be using our Joint Heads of House from Year 6 and the Deputy Head Boy and the Head Boy to assist us with this task, as we hope to cascade down to all pupils some actions and processes they can adopt in order to cement identified values into how they think, work and learn at our School. Last year all the boys in the Prep came up with a value, in their Houses, that they wished to see promoted this year. These entirely boy-led values – and the Houses who came up with them – are:
Lancaster – Integrity
Tudor – Honesty
Windsor – Perseverance
York – Teamwork
We hope to be able to update you on the progress made with this endeavour as the year rolls by.