Pupils benefit from excellent pastoral care. A close and nurturing atmosphere is at the heart of the school. Strong support systems are in place and pupils feel their voice is heard and valued.
Independent Schools Inspectorate
our School
Hampton Pre-Prep & Prep School offers an excellent all-round education to girls aged 3-7 and boys aged 3-11. Every child is recognised as a unique individual and encouraged to flourish in a nurturing, lively and happy environment.
Enrichment, excitement, and gaining new skills are among the many reasons for our extensive range of extra-curricular activities.
Our broad range of sporting activities run by expert, highly-qualified staff ensure pupils can develop at their own pace and in doing so discover fun and self-confidence gained from sport. The visual and performing arts are also an integral part of School life. There is the opportunity to learn a wide variety of instruments whilst an extensive drama and dance programme are included in our timetable.
Our co-curricular programme provides valuable opportunities for pupils in Reception to Year 6 to expand their experiences, and develop their self-esteem in areas other than academia. Co-curricular clubs on offer range from additional sports coaching, specialist sports clubs (table tennis, golf, archery and fencing), music ensembles, tech clubs, arts & crafts and chess club, amongst many others.

Coach Routes
Hampton Prep School shares a coach service with Hampton School and Lady Eleanor Holles School to ensure that we cover the widest geographical area possible.
Coaches terminate at nearby Hampton School and a shuttle service is provided to transport the Hampton Prep boys to and from School at the beginning and end of each day.

A Journey
of Discovery
From Kindergarten
to senior School
The Hampton Trust offers superb all-round education from the age of 3 – 18 and there are close links between the prep and senior schools. When it is time for our boys and girls to move on, it is of paramount importance to us that they continue their education at a school that is right for them, where they will flourish. A large cohort of our Year 6 boys traditionally progress to Hampton School.