Not quite a Christmas baby, but this week I am delighted to let you all know that Mme Houghton, one of our French teachers in the Prep, gave birth to a healthy baby boy last weekend. We have wished her and her husband our warmest congratulations on the arrival of a little brother (with an appropriately Breton-French name of course!) for their young daughter.
I am very glad there will be two new and exciting ways in which the development of the boys’ personal values shall be recognised in the Prep next week. On Monday morning we will hold our very first ‘House Breakfast’. Boys whose House Tutors feel have really personified the spirit and ethos of each House will enjoy sharing some delicious breakfast treats with their House Tutors, by way of a celebration. The Year 6 boys who have assumed responsibility as Joint Heads of House this year will also be celebrating the personal achievements of selected boys from their Houses, at a special assembly on Friday morning next week.
Mrs Tinkler and I met with House colleagues and the Year 6 Heads of Houses to hear who they wished to recognise and why. It was immediately clear to both of us that both adults and Year 6 boys alike had devoted much careful thought to selecting boys across the Prep whose personal journeys this term definitely deserved to be recognised. I am always mindful that the good natured, well behaved, hardworking, perfectly lovely boy can be in danger of falling off the radar at times, if he does not shout loudly enough about his own accomplishments. There is no need for me to worry about that here however, as boys who fit that bill will most certainly be recognised and praised on two separate occasions next week.