With a week to go until the half term break, we have been reflecting upon what has worked well for the pupils and staff across both the Pre-Prep & Prep during this current period of enforced school closure, and where we might reasonably be able to make some improvements. Mr Ford has been in touch with Prep parents regarding our migration from CENTURY to another virtual learning environment, by the name of Firefly. Boys in Years 3 – 6 have had some training on how to use the platform, the Prep staff here are ready to begin posting material for boys on Firefly from next Monday onwards, and we are hopeful it will all run smoothly. The ‘nuggets’ on CENTURY will still be available for boys and staff to explore, but they will sit on Firefly as one in a range of online resources we will periodically steer boys towards. If parents wish to get in touch with us here at school with any observations or ideas that would be useful for us regarding the use of Firefly going forward, please do.