Precocious or obviously attention seeking behaviour is not something I would ever wish to encourage, nor see displayed here at school however, next week boys in the Prep in Years 3 – 5 have our full permission to “show off”. We will be running some exams for boys in these Year groups and in fact, showing off how much they have learnt and how much effort they can put into assessments such as these is exactly what we are after. I made much of the importance of effort in assembly this week. As far as exams are concerned, our advice and recommendations to the boys has always been to try hard and do their best thinking. We cannot ask for more than that I would say. I am very much looking forward to seeing how they have got on at the end of next week. Do please encourage some time off after school next week, with plenty of exercise and early-ish nights. I am convinced this all helps to ensure boys can really represent their best versions of themselves in examined situations.