The HPPPA Summer Fair was, in every way imaginable, a rip roaring success last Saturday! It was excellent to see so many parents present and of course to see the pupils having such a lovely time. The Fair raised £5500 for WarChild UK, which is an incredible amount. My grateful thanks now to all parents and staff helpers who pulled together a really enjoyable day for us all.
This week I have begun to see all the boys in Year 5 for what we call here a ‘Headmaster’s Cheerful Catch up’. This is part of a carefully planned process that Mr Ford, Mrs Tinkler and I run, which sits alongside the support the boys’ Form teachers provide, to prepare the boys in our penultimate year for their transition to Year 6. We also aim to very gently encourage them to start thinking about (as sad as this is for us, at least!) the time when they shall be off at their next school and in Year 7. I have to say, the boys I have managed to catch up with so far have most definitely been very cheerful indeed and I am looking forward to hearing from them all before the end of this term. If you are the parent of a boy in Year 5 do please ask him what we talk about. The catch ups are brightening my days and I am pretty sure the boys’ enthusiasm and very mature reflections will be illuminating for their mums and dads too!