Thinking, learning and working in a creative way is terribly important to us here. Indeed, simply being creative and approaching problem solving tasks with a creative habit of mind matters very much to us. I believe that developing a creative approach to both work (and other aspects of life more generally) takes time and practice. This is why I am always so thrilled when our ‘Open Homework’ weeks in both the Pre-Prep & Prep roll around each year. This year’s theme was the word hope, and with their characteristic enthusiasm, inventiveness and industry all pupils across both sites clearly did some excellent thinking and interpreted the theme in some amazing ways. Below, Mrs Henderson has included a selection of photos of some boys’ work from the Prep. She is also pulling together some short films in which hope-themed endeavours from pupils in both the Pre-Prep & Prep will feature. We will be sending them on to all parents as soon as they are ready.
Have a lovely – and very safe! – half term break.