We spend a lot of time here considering how we can best make a difference to our pupils’ academic effort, progress and outcomes. Thank goodness for that, I hear you all cry! You will also understand and see the many and varied ways in which we aim to shape the development of the social and emotional growth of all the boys and girls here. No matter how rewarding we find attending to those critically important dimensions of school life, and no matter how much we enjoy sharing our collective wisdom and experience, we are always happy to come across a few top tips from others who are experts in the field to support our professional learning here at school. The Jubilee Centre for Character and Virtues, based at the University of Birmingham, is a unique and internationally recognised body dedicated to thinking about and supporting how we all might lead full, flourishing and enriched lives. Just this week I came across some excellent looking activities from them that I share with you here, in case you are looking for something interesting and a bit different to do with your children over the upcoming holiday season. We value the support of all parents here, naturally, and if checking out these activities helps you to reflect upon and engage in a slightly different manner with the development of your children’s characters, then so much the better. Mr Barber runs our L.I.O.N. Award, and I know if any boys in the Prep are keen to spend some time exploring these resources and activities to support their progress through the Award, Mr Barber would be pretty happy about that too!